always gone, but never away...

I have missed you all!!!!
It definitely has continued to be a roller coaster into the new year, I have hated being away from here and have tried to at least keep up with twitter and facebook from my phone. 

In case some of you don't know, my computer was broken during Christmas dinner at my house, unfortunately the Family responsible has refused to help with the repairs and I have been computer-less :(
I guess what made it worst is that they were friends, I had a lot of work pending, and college started last week.  So today I finally gave in and am renting a computer from one of those places :/  We just can't afford to buy a new one. 

One other reason I have been away is because we were moving, what was supposed to have taken husband and I a weekend, has taken over 1 week.  It was excruciating to do the move by ourselves, but we couldn't afford any help.  So, to not make this post 5000 words, lol, I will post about everything that has been happening lately, all in it's own post ;0)

I have to count and choose the winners of the #lovinlogistics The UPS Store winners for the $250 giftcards and I have some great giveaways ahead.  give me a couple of days to catch up ;0  I had over 5000 emails LOL
Other exciting changes for me is that I am moving to WP!!!! (wordpress) 

ok, that's all for now, I missed you guys!!!! hugs!!!


  1. I am so sorry about your computer and all the trouble with the move. :(

  2. Sorry to hear about your computer...hope all is well - keep up the great work and never cease to Follow Your Passion...


Thank you very much for stopping by and even more for leaving a comment ;) Have a great month!!!