it's 4am and I'm tired :(

later today I will explain my day ;)

I have been up all night trying to fix my cell phone, it drowned today :(

I checked boxes so I could approve a lot of comments at once and I accidentally hit reject.

I want to apologize to everyone who's comments I erased.
Lack of sleep is just not a nice thing, lol

Have a great night and day everyone ;)


  1. hhahahha Lily what r u like, all my hard work deleted hehehe joking its not an issue, we all get tired and especially when the kids have had u run ragged lol, welcome back, hope u had a good sleep xx

  2. You forgot to give your cell phone swimming lessons before you let it go in the pool?

  3. Put your cell phone in a bag of rice eit will draw out the moisture!

  4. Hope your day got better and you got some rest. Following you from TwitterMoms.

  5. Sleep! everything else will wait!
    Have a great week!

  6. Stacie is right the rice will soak up all that moisture.

    Hope you finally got some rest.

  7. I would be hitting reject with 6 kids too!

    Love your blog and am so glad to have met you!

    See you at InfluenceSd!

  8. Hi! Stopping by from Twittermoms! Wanted to second the bag of rice! It worked for me a couple times!

  9. LOL! I know what ya mean about that sleep deprivation thing. There's a reason it's a form of torture!

    Stopping by from Friday Follow. I hope you'll follow me back (and if you already are, thank you!)

    Nice to meet you-



Thank you very much for stopping by and even more for leaving a comment ;) Have a great month!!!